Course Aggregate is major construction material used in preparation of concrete both plain cement concrete (PCC) and reinforced cement concrete (RCC). It consists of crushed or broken stone, gravel or other inert material with similar characteristics or a combination. It shall be of uniform grading with max size as required for various types / classes of concrete meeting the grading requirements, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 117 & C 136, as given in Picture-1:
Max Size of Aggregate to be selected for use in various types of construction is given in Table-1:
Note: The Max Size of Aggregate is subject to condition that Concrete shall not contain any aggregate greater in size than 1/5 of the narrowest dimension between sides of the forms, nor 1/3 of the least dimension of the concrete nor ¾ of the min clear spacing between the individual reinforcing bars or wires, bundles of bars, individual tendons, bundled tendons or ducts.